Order & product information

Place an order, product information or advice, request a quote, assembly,change company address, personal information, login information, privacy and security, catalog requests.



Invoice information, credit, credit card payments, e-invoicing, payment terms.


Please contact our sales department

High volume purchasing, customized purchasing, contract management, sustainable purchasing.

Managing Director

Any comments? Any issues? Comments (good or bad)? Contact Bram de Geus, Managing Director of CitroenAir, directly.



We make every effort to provide you with the best possible service. Nevertheless, it may happen that a product or our service is not to your satisfaction. Then you can file a complaint. Mail to info@citroenair.eu.

Upon receipt of your complaint, you will receive a written substantive response from us within 14 days.

We use the following definition for the complaint policy: A complaint is a verbal or written expression of a customer expectation that has not been met, and where a response from us is desirable.
